With the UK general election looming you’re probably undecided who to vote for. Theresa May seems to not want to win the election, with her lack of media appearances and general shitshow.
So it seems there’s everything to play for, but it’s a difficult decision to make and will affect your future for the next five years—so why not let a foreigner help you decide on who to elect?
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Dating in Game of Thrones doesn’t amount to much romance, it either involves prostitution or arranged marriages for the sake of political alliances.
However voice actor and impressionist Scheiffer Bates imagines what video dating profiles by the male characters of the show might be like—and their hilarious.
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If you’re a Marvel fan, heck even if you’re not, you’ve seen the pretty awesome trailer for the upcoming Thor Ragnarok movie.
Well, now that’s been edited so that the major players in the upcoming snap UK election replace Chris Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum and the rest. Just wait until you see who the Hulk is.
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Being president is obviously a huge stress, so sometimes a soothing song can help ease the pressure, especially all that public speaking.
In this amusing follow-up to the Life Accordion to Trump parody by Australian comedian Huw Parkinson, President Donald Trump plays more tunes on his invisible accordion.
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You can leave it to Honest Trailers to take a movie down a peg or two, and they’re on hilarious form with this parodying of the well-received Marvel movie Doctor Strange.
One thing that they gladly point out is the similarity to Iron Man, the movie that kicked off the MCU all those years ago—and when it’s pointed out so obviously like this, it’s hard to not notice them.
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Comedy YouTube channel Auralnauts give the Star Wars saga a reworking in this very amusing parody of the mega-hit sci-fi franchise.
In it they hilariously imagine a what if where C-3PO becomes the antagonist of a campy science fiction movie from the 1980s.
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Joey Thompson is a Los Angeles-based comedian and writer who also happens to look just like Ryan Gosling.
Which is fitting because in this parody trailer he creates a hilarious sequel to the 2011 movie Drive, this time the protagonist is an uber driver transporting around vomit-spewing passengers.
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Disney’s buying of Lucasfilm hasn’t ruined the Star Wars franchise so far, as we all know the new movie was a vast improvement on the prequels.
But this fanmade trailer imagines what might happen if Disney/Pixar directed an X-Wing movie, but directed it on a bad day, like when they made Cars and Planes. Please never let this happen.
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