If you’re going to have a beatbox battle, then it’s absolutely paramount that it takes place in a closet.
Why? Because it’s so much more hilarious that way, which is exactly what these two young Japanese guys do—along with some awesome beatboxing too.
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Most of us probably don’t play chess to its full potential — in fact, most of us probably don’t play chess at all.
But in case you did decide to give this game of games a try, then watch this first before you become the Grandmaster of your house share.
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If you’re a gamer and your not familiar with Rooster Teeth, shame on you. You have a lot of catching up to do.
Here’s a collection they made of some of the funniest in-game fails they could find. Even if you don’t like the vids, it’s worth watching for their banter.
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Skate 3 was a pretty awesome game but not half as amazing as these hilarious physics-defying clips make it look.
If shenanigans of this magnitude were guaranteed in a typical play session, it would make all other video games entirely redundant.
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If you’ve got a chubby for Master Chief then I have some spectacularly good news…
There’s a new live action series based in the Halo universe inbound and you can watch the trailer for it right here, right now. Enjoy!
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If you’ve ever wondered to yourself what a hardcore gamer like the greybloke plays in his spare time, wonder no more.
He’s playing DesertVille. It’s not as complex or fast paced as FarmVille, but it still has those awesome micro-transactions.
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Are you aware that insurance companies sell personal injury claims to the highest bidder? Rotten, huh?
So to help you get over that revelation & lighten your mood, play this game where you get to throw hammers at the bidders’ heads.
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Ever played Uncharted? Well, now you can win the chance to meet the creators of the PlayStation® game Uncharted and create your own in-game multiplayer character for Uncharted 3.
All you have to do is audition and prove you are as good as Nathan Drake. Impress the judges and you go in the running for the final prize!
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