Remix artist Eclectic Method has made a very catchy tune out of the sound effects from George Lucas and Steven Spielberg’s classic Indiana Jones movies (even, yes, Kingdom of Skulls).
The remix artist explains how the sound design is made by Ben Burtt who also did Star Wars, noting how a plane engine sound from Indiana Jones sounds a lot like a laser in Star Wars.
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Jeremy Hunt, the man whose name rhymes with exactly what he is, has been given the Cassetteboy remix treatment—and it’s hilarious.
As junior doctors go on A&E strike for the first time in NHS history today Cassetteboy ridicules Hunt’s handling off the situation, all set to the tune of Village People’s ‘Y.M.C.A.’
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Depending on how you feel about Elmo will depend on how you react to this remix by Eclectic Method.
The remix artist uses various clips and soundbites of the Sesame Street character to create a toe-tapping dance tribute to the loveable/hateable red furball.
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Cassetteboy cast their satirical gaze upon the news coverage of the royal baby and general election buildup.
And they come back with this edit that is far more truthful, much more entertaining, and features some dramatic footage of Ed Balls. Ed balls.
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Try and sit through this two minute video without squirming in your seat.
It’s uncomfortable viewing as TV show ‘Dr. Phil’ gets all dialogue removed so we’re left with stunted silence and tearful looks that will penetrate your very soul.
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Waking up to the ringtone sounds on your iPhone is pretty much the worst part of the day, so it’s impressive when someone can create a listenable remix using their annoying sounds.
New Delhi electronic music producer Adi MetroGnome has looped those five-second jingles into a solid remix that could quite easily sit in a nightclub rather than your bedside.
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Torrenting for the new season of the internet’s favorite TV show is well under way, so it’s about time someone did an autotune of the first seasons.
And that someone is Melody Sheep whose catchy remix of the fantasy epic of blood and nudity is a fitting tribute to the residents of Westeros.
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Pogo remixing The Mighty Boosh? There’s nothing here not to like, except maybe the fact that it has to end.
So relax into the surreal silliness of Howard Moon, Vince Noir, Naboo the Enigma, The Moon, The Crack Fox and Bob Fossil. Nicey nicey zoo zoo!
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