Until one of our senses, or part of one, is taken away from us we don’t really have any clue as to how much it enriches our world, and what it would be like to live without it.
But videos like this one help us empathise—it features two brothers Jimmy and Jace who are colorblind but get to see the world like the rest of us when they put on a pair of EnChroma glasses—and become completely overwhelmed.
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We’re all liable to be victims of hackers these days, from the average person to huge corporations, nothing or nowhere is safe. And the more of our objects that go online, the more objects can be hacked.
YouTubers GradeAUnderA takes a look at the subject and provides a guide to keeping yourself as safe and ensuring you’re 100% hack proof—or as hack proof as possible, anyway.
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On an episode of ‘Would I Lie to You?’ Rob Brydon reveals the sweatshirt him and his wife wear to snuggle on a cold evening. Called The Cuddle Jumper it features two head holes and it’s ridiculous.
But things really get interesting when Brydon demonstrates how to use it with The Apprentice’s Nick Hewer. Two guys in a jumper has never been so hilarious. David Mitchell is beside himself.
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With each new generation of computer the computing technology gets smaller and more compact, not so with James Newman,of Cambridge, UK who recently finished his Megaprocessor.
The huge piece of tech is a fully functional, and educational, CPU—it has LEDs that light up at the various stages of the computational process so people can see how data moves through a circuit.
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This sketch comes comes from Australian comedy show Soul Mates and features two cavemen, Sticks and Rocky, who accidentally create a currency.
It involves shells and kicking people in the nuts, and soon from two people trading they’ve created an entire financial system for their tribe.
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You may or may not have heard of Snuff Box, a pretty awesome sketch show which starred Matt Berry and Rich Fulcher.
And if you haven’t, it’s time to get introduced with this sketch where Matt and Rich find Elton in their recording studio. Bad move Elton, bad move.
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We all get frustrated playing video games, especially when the game lags or the controller doesn’t work and it forces you to start screaming like a spoilt brat.
But, Anthony Carboni points out in the video above that it isn’t the game or the controller’s fault, it’s your brains fault for being crap at video games.
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Yo! This guy’s literally taking the music to the streets. Take a Wu-Tang Clan classic, an afro, guitar, mic, and some drums put them all together with some fine talent and what do you get? You get a lesson in badassery.
If I saw this guy busking in the street I wouldn’t be able to get my hand high enough for the stratospheric high-ten, no high 20 (I’d use my feet as well), I’d want to give him.
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